(858) 585-6694
Waterwise Concepts|8380 Vickers Street, Suite B, San Diego, CA 92111|(858) 585-6694
Water Conservation Services
(858) 585-6694

Transform Your Landscape With Our Expert Conservation Solutions

In light of the current water restrictions in the San Diego area, we recognize the urgency of assisting our clients in navigating this drought period seamlessly. Our team at Waterwise Concepts is fully committed to providing water-smart solutions that maintain both the beauty of your landscape and the value of your property. We understand the importance of finding a balance between conservation efforts and preserving the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space.

That's why we're here to offer personalized consultations and estimates, ensuring that the solutions we propose align perfectly with your needs and preferences. Whether it's implementing water-efficient irrigation systems, integrating drought-tolerant plants, or exploring rebate opportunities for turf removal, we're dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process with expertise and care.

As your trusted partners in sustainability, we're here to support you throughout this water shortage, providing innovative solutions tailored to your unique situation. With the City of San Diego urging further reductions in outdoor water usage, we understand the importance of taking proactive measures. By reducing outdoor irrigation through strategic landscaping choices and water-efficient technologies, we help you meet regulatory requirements and contribute to the collective effort of conserving water resources for the greater good of our community. We stand by our commitment to delivering quality service and superior products, ensuring that your landscape thrives even in the face of water scarcity.

Low-Flow Sprinkler Installation

As champions of water conservation, we recognize the critical role of low-flow sprinkler installation in mitigating drought conditions. Our commitment to sustainability drives us to offer cutting-edge solutions that prioritize water efficiency without sacrificing the health and beauty of your landscape. With our expertise in low-flow sprinkler technology, we design and install systems that deliver precise and uniform water distribution, minimizing waste and maximizing savings.
At our core, we believe in empowering our clients to make environmentally responsible choices that align with the challenges of drought conditions. Through our low-flow sprinkler installation services, we not only help you comply with water restrictions but also contribute to the collective effort of conserving our most precious resource. By harnessing the power of innovation and efficiency, we pave the way towards a more sustainable future where landscapes thrive in harmony with nature, even in the face of water scarcity.

An irrigation sprinkler.

Irrigation Plans

As conscientious stewards of water resources, we understand the imperative of adapting irrigation practices in response to drought conditions. Our innovative irrigation plans incorporate a variety of water conservation measures to mitigate the impact of reduced outdoor irrigation. From the strategic implementation of faux turf to the meticulous mulching of beds to minimize evaporation, we tailor solutions that prioritize water efficiency without compromising the beauty of your landscape. Additionally, we optimize irrigation equipment by re-nozzling to low-flow rates, ensuring that every drop counts towards sustaining your outdoor oasis while complying with water restrictions.
With our comprehensive approach to water conservation, we empower you to maintain a vibrant and sustainable landscape even in the face of water scarcity. Our dedication to innovation and sustainability drives us to continually explore new ways to enhance the efficiency of outdoor irrigation while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your landscape. With our expertise and eco-conscious approach, we strive to lead the way toward a more water-resilient future, one irrigation plan at a time.

Water drips from an irrigation pipe.

Planting Layout

Our team understands the importance of strategic planting layout in conserving water while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space. Our expert team can carefully select and arrange plants that thrive in arid conditions, reducing the need for excessive watering and ensuring long-term sustainability.
With our innovative approach to planting layout, we create landscapes that withstand drought conditions and flourish with minimal water input. Faux turf provides the lush appearance of grass without the need for constant irrigation, while drought-tolerant shrubs and rock gardens offer texture and color with minimal water requirements. By incorporating these elements into our designs, we conserve water and create resilient outdoor environments that adapt to changing climate conditions.

An outdoor brick stairway is lined with colorful flowers on each side.

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Serving the San Diego area.

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Licensed C-27 Landscape Contractor ( Lic # 1115977)

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